From the directors...

WE STILL REMAIN "LCTG"! In Dec '04, we founded the "new" LCTG...L'arc en Ciel Theatre Group! (See the LCTG there?) Boss & ALowe, having retired & resigned officially from all things Lake Central, formed the 501c3 LCTG in '05!
We're now starting our 44th YEAR OF THEATRE, performing our shows at Great Oaks Banquets (formerly the After 4 Supper Club) on Hwy 41 just before the stop light in Cedar Lake!
(Funny, we lived in Cedar Lake for 36 years, and we're finally coming back "home"...) Tom McAdams invited us to do theatre in the old swimming pool area, now all filled in, and teeming with set pieces, auditorium seats, lighting, sound equipment, a raised pit, and now "Brenda's Bridge", a raised lighting/sound booth! We built Brenda's Bridge from donations offered in memory of our dearest Brenda, who passed away in June '08. She'll always be with us!
What's more, we're now doing DINNER THEATRE, with Tom & now Ryan serving dinners family style in the upstairs banquet room. Dinner on Sundays is at 12:30 with show at 2 pm. Friday dinners are at 6:30 with show at 8 pm. All dinners and shows also offer a CASH BAR! (Boy, we could never do that at LC!) Call us at 219.365.3197, extension 2 for all theatre information. It seems lots of people enjoy that double pleasure of dining and drama! WE ARE SO BLESSED!
The two of us have been directing theatre and loving it for over 44 years. Every day is one of the "good old days" for us, working with new people! We sure do miss "the good old days", but love what we're doing now! What more could we want? Meanwhile we're working with brand new "kids" from all ages! We only hope we can continue to "make believe" with "kids" for as long as we can, helping them work together as a team towards one common goal-- the best possible performance they can give, in spite of the many problems to solve, the difficulties, the "uncontrollables", often disappointments and sometimes hurt along the way. We still believe that the process is more important than the final product, and we love and thank all those who have helped us in all ways, big or small, all through the years. Even with all its challenges, theatre and life are well worth it! Our heartfelt love and gratitude go out to all "our kids" everywhere, from the "kids" in every show company, reaching back to '66 when we first read the "fine print" in the teaching contract that said Paul would direct two plays. When Angie joined LCTG officially the next year, neither of us dreamed we'd be touched by so many wonderful lives! We thank God for the opportunities we've had, the friendships we've made, the fun we've had, and all the love we've been blessed enough to share. We thank "our kids" and you for believing in us. Love,
Paul & Angie, "A & P", "Boss" & ALowe, Mama and Papa Lowe
Love A & P